
Can I Switch from Medicare Advantage to Medigap?

Medicare Advantage and Medigap are examples of different insurance types you can have — just not at the same time. If you currently have Medicare Advantage, you can switch to Medigap during certain enrollment windows. Here’s what you need to know to make it happen.

When can I switch from Medicare Advantage to Medigap? If…

Virginia Medicare Plans in 2021

If you live in Virginia, you can choose between original Medicare and a Medicare Advantage plan. Both are Medicare, but they provide your benefits in different ways. Original Medicare is run by the government, while Medicare Advantage plans are sold by private insurance companies.

Does Medicare cover chemotherapy?

Medicare covers chemotherapy drugs when a doctor prescribes them. The type of chemotherapy will determine which Medicare part provides coverage. When a person receives a cancer diagnosis, their doctor may prescribe chemotherapy drugs that can help fight the condition.

Do Medicare Supplement Plans Cover Foreign Travel?

The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reports that out of the 10 available Medicare supplement plans designated plan A through N, six offer foreign travel coverage: Plans C, D, F, G, M, and N. These plans provide foreign travel coverage for up to 80 percent of the medical expenses you encounter while…

What Is Better, Traditional Medicare, or Medicare Advantage?

Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage are two insurance options for people ages 65 and older living in the United States. Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage are not the same, and depending on your situation, there are advantages and disadvantages for each.

Is My Small Business Eligible for Group Health Insurance?

Well, for one thing, a recent report found that small group health insurance is far more affordable on a per-person basis than individual plans. Even better, group health plans tend to be more insulated from premium increases than other types of plans in the insurance marketplace, with costs rising much more slowly than for individual…

6 Health Insurance Myths Busted

Medical emergencies can happen anytime. And owing to the rising healthcare cost, having health insurance is a must to meet such emergencies. However, there are several myths about health insurance regarding when to buy or what are its benefits.

Shopping For Small Business Health Insurance

If your company has between 2 and 50 employees (including you), you will be given options to create an ID and save your progress. But you will know your full costs and those to your employees before you must take this step.


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