Is My Small Business Eligible for Group Health Insurance?

Well, for one thing, a recent report found that small group health insurance is far more affordable on a per-person basis than individual plans. Even better, group health plans tend to be more insulated from premium increases than other types of plans in the insurance marketplace, with costs rising much more slowly than for individual plans.

Small Business Health Insurance Facts You Must Know In 2021

In the United States, medical insurance coverage is most often provided by employers. This creates an issue for the more than 57 million freelancers and independent contractors and the owners and employees of the 30.2 million small businesses in the country.

7 reasons why you need group benefits for your small business

If you are a small business owner, you know that you have to invest money in order to make money. Whether it’s hiring new staff, purchasing equipment or renting an office or storefront to house your business, these investments are necessary to ensure its long-term profitability.

5 reasons your small business definitely needs to offer health benefits in 2021

Uncontrollable costs have ravaged small business coffers, and today, nearly 70 percent of businesses with fewer than 50 employees don’t offer best health insurance in pa. While some businesses attempt to soften the blow with wage increases, many drop health benefits altogether.

3 Facts Small Business Owners Need to Know About Health Care Benefits

Group health care benefits have always been a great tool for business owners to recruit and retain employees. However, our experience has shown that many small business owners do not know what they are required under the Affordable Care Act to do with health care benefits for their employees. Is group health insurance truly a feasible option for employers? Is there a better option out there?

Should Your Small Business Offer More Than One Plan Type?

Wondering if your small business should offer more than one plan type for group health insurance? While all companies have unique medical needs and different employee coverage preferences, a majority of small businesses who offer health coverage decide to offer only one type of group health plan. However, a small business can still choose to offer more than one plan option to its workforce.

Offering the Best Health Insurance Employee Benefits Helps Attract and Retain Great Talent

Startups and new small businesses have to put their best foot forward when it comes to attracting and retaining new employees, and one great benefit you can offer is group health insurance plans.

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